A voter turnout of 64.58 per cent was recorded in the third phase of the Lok Sabha election. In this phase, which concluded yesterday, 93 Lok Sabha seats from ten states and one Union Territory went to the polls. Polling remained largely peaceful, with voters from all walks of life participating enthusiastically despite the heat wave conditions in several parts of the country. According to the Election Commission, Assam recorded approximately 81.61 per cent of voting. While Bihar witnessed a voting percentage of 58.18 per cent, 71.06 per cent was recorded in Chhattisgarh, 69.87 per cent in Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Daman and Diu. Goa recorded 75.20 per cent voting, Gujarat 58.98 per cent, Karnataka 70.41 per cent, Madhya Pradesh 66.05 per cent, Maharashtra 61.44 per cent, Uttar Pradesh 57.34 per cent, and West Bengal 75.79 per cent. With the conclusion of the third phase, polling is now over in 20 states, UTs, and 283 parliamentary constituencies for the 2024 general elections. A total of 1331 candidates were in the electoral fray in this phase. In the third phase, the fate of prominent candidates, including senior BJP leaders Amit Shah, Mansukh Mandaviya, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Pralhad Joshi, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, and Basavaraj Bommai, Congress leader Digvijay Singh, Samajwadi party leader Dimple Yadav, and NCP (Sharad Pawar faction) leader Supriya Sule, was sealed in the EVMs. Polling was held smoothly and peacefully in all states and UTs across the three phases, which covered the entire north-eastern part of the country. Left-wing extremism affected vulnerable areas in Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh.
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