Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Bandi Sanjay Kumar has said it is a shame for Rahul Gandhi to make comments against Sikhs that they are not in a position to follow their customs in the Country. He said it was Rahul Gandhi’s grandmother, and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was the one who took extreme steps against Sikhs during the 1980s. He demanded that Rahul Gandhi who is making traitorous statements should apologise publicly or leave the country. Speaking to the media after taking part in a programme of the BJP membership drive yesterday in Hyderabad, Sanjay Kumar said Rahul has no moral right to speak about Sikhs and alleged that he is now joining hands with those who are conspiring to divide the country again. Stating that Rahul’s comments are endorsed by terrorist organisations who want to divide India, he alleged that it creates suspicion that he has links with them.
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