In Jammu and Kashmir, the annual Shri Machail Mata Yatra in Kishtwar district commenced yesterday with religious fervour and gaiety. Akashvani Jammu Correspondent reports that on the first day of the yatra, senior officers from Police and Civil administration along with officials of the Machail Mata Yatra cell, local PRIs, prominent socio-religious personalities, and hundreds of devotees paid obeisance at the Bhawan of Shri Chandi Mata Ji. They prayed for peace, prosperity, and development of the district Kishtwar and the Union Territory as a whole. Meanwhile, the DIG Doda-Kishtwar-Ramban range Shridhar Patil along with DC Kishtwar, Dr. Devansh Yadav and SSP Kishtwar, Abdul Qayoom, reviewed and assessed the logistics and security arrangements made for the ongoing Yatra and issued necessary directions to the local Civil and Police administration to ensure the smooth conduct of the pilgrimage.
Interacting with the pilgrims, the DIG, DC and SSP assured that the administration has made comprehensive civil and security measures to ensure a hassle-free and safe pilgrimage. The district administration has put in place various arrangements this year for the convenience of the Yatris which includes adequate lodging and boarding facilities under the Yatri Sarai at Chandi Mata Bhawan in addition to the tent city at the Bhawan and accommodation facilities at Yatri Bhawan and Sapphire Guest House and Tent Houses open for Yatris at Gulabgarh.