President Droupadi Murmu reached Ayodhya on a day’s visit today to perform Darshan-Poojan to Ram Lalla at Shri Ram Janmabhoomi temple. Governor of State Anandiben Patel welcomed President Murmu at the Maharishi Valmiki International Airport in Ayodhya. From the airport, the President reached Hanumangarhi to offer prayers to Lord Hanuman. The President also participated in the Saryu Aarti with full rituals this evening. This is President Draupadi Murmu’s first visit to the newly-built temple, the consecration ceremony for which was held on the 22ns of January. Given the President’s programme, there were tight security arrangements in the entire Ayodhya including Hanumangarhi, Railway Station, Ram Path and Naya Ghat.
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