President Droupadi Murmu will begin a three-state visit to Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand from today. In Jaipur today, she will attend the convocation of Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), as the chief guest and deliver the convocation address. The President will also inaugurate a new “Aravali Hostel” for students. Governor of Rajasthan, Haribhau Kisanrao Bagde and Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma will also attend the programme.
Akashvani’s correspondent reports that Director of MNIT, Prof. Narayan Prasad Padhi has informed that a total of 1361 degrees will be awarded in the convocation. Of these, 402 degrees will be awarded to girl students.
In the afternoon, the President will leave for Madhya Pradesh on a two day visit. During her visit, she will attend various programmes in Indore and Ujjain. President Smt Droupadi Murmu will visit Mrignayani emporium at Indore on the first day of her visit today and will meet the artisans who have earned fame for their skills. Mriganyani is the main handloom saree centre of the MP Government.
The President will address Safai Mitra Sammelan and lay the foundation stone for the Indore-Ujjain Six Lane Road Project at Ujjain tomorrow. The President will also visit the Shri Mahakaleshwar Temple. She will also interact with the sculptors of Shrimahakal Lok.
On the same day, she will grace the 14th convocation of Devi Ahilya University at Indore. Sanjeev Sharma, Akashvani News, Bhopal. On Friday, President Murmu will grace and address the centenary celebration of the ICAR-National Institute of Secondary Agriculture Ranchi in Jharkhand.