The two-day 10th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) India Region Conference began in New Delhi today. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla is Chairing the meeting, who is also the Chairperson of the CPA India Region. Forty-six Presiding Officers, four Chairmen, 25 Speakers, three Deputy Chairmen, and 14 Deputy Speakers of Legislatures from States and Union Territories, along with their Principal Secretaries, Secretaries, and accompanying officers are attending the conference. The theme of the conference is “The Role of Legislative Bodies in the Attainment of Sustainable and Inclusive Development.
Speaking on the occasion, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla stressed the need to further strengthen the Legislative bodies of the country to meet the expectations and aspirations of the people in view of the changing scenario, when the technologies and medium of communication have become part of people’s life. He expressed hope that we all together will give a new vision to legislative bodies of the county so that those deprived of the benefits of development could be brought into the mainstream of development.
The CPA India Region was created in 2004 from the erstwhile CPA Asia Region as one of the nine Regions of the CPA. Currently, it has 31 Member Branches, including the Parliament of India and 30 State and Union Territories Legislatures. This is the second occasion the CPA India Region Conference is being held in New Delhi.